Never worry about wheelbase
by WindSurfSkate
in Raleigh, NC
(Verified Buyer)
Posted on 3/12/2025
Venture Koston Pro V8 Polished Skateboard Trucks - polished (5.6 hi)
I was having issues not getting enough pop with my old trucks on my current Real deck with a 13.88 wheel base and 13.5 length. Just put these 5.6 V8s with the inner holes and so extended the WB to 14.38, and immediately I am skating much much better. First off, they turn very good immediately like Indys, which is not typical for Ventures. I didn't tighten them, and after half an hour they did tighten enough for me to be comfortable. Once I warmed up, it was incredible.
I landed the first two tre flips I tried in row (this never happens). And then I landed three nollie flips, a nollie backside heel, nollie heel, frontside flip and switch frontside flip in a row. I've never jad such a streak.
I'm sold, these trucks just fixed a deck I was not enjoying into one I'm loving just by adjusting the WB.
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Koston V8 5.8
by Donnie
(Verified Buyer)
Posted on 2/23/2025
Venture Koston Pro V8 Polished Skateboard Trucks - polished (5.8 hi)
These trucks are dope, they allow you to use Ventures on steep kick decks. Not sure about the bushing durometer, but these trucks turn really well. Not really what Ventures are associated with, but that's what makes Ventures good for tech. These open up a bunch of options for ocd skaters.
1 person has found this review helpful
by Juan Cisneros
in Berkeley, CA
(Verified Buyer)
Posted on 1/10/2025
Venture Koston Pro V8 Polished Skateboard Trucks - polished (5.6 hi)
Practical and never have to worry about wheel base again.
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