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Thrasher Flame LG 10" Sticker

5 Reviews
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The Thrasher Flame LG 10" sticker goes great on things with wheels and is guaranteed to stick.

Size (in)
  • 5.5 x 10.25


Overall Rating
Reviewed by 5 customers
Rep the Trend
by Michael Scolari in SAN BERNARDINO, CA (Verified Buyer)
Posted on 10/3/2018
Thrasher Flame LG 10" Sticker - black text
This is what's hot (no pun intended). Stay up on what's hot and what's not with the 10 inch Thrasher logo - Represent!
2 people have found this review helpful
by Scott Reyell in altona, NY (Verified Buyer)
Posted on 9/23/2018
Thrasher Flame LG 10" Sticker - black text
Excellent graphics and fast service
1 person has found this review helpful
Call 911
by Michael Pike in Ontario, CA (Verified Buyer)
Posted on 9/5/2017
Thrasher Flame LG 10" Sticker - black text
Classic flame logo is on fire! Rad Sticker!
1 person has found this review helpful
by Joshua Richardson in Alamogordo, NM (Verified Buyer)
Posted on 7/31/2016
Thrasher Flame LG Sticker - black text
It was huge and came quick!!
2 people have found this review helpful
Tactics Rules..
by Mike
Posted on 5/4/2016
Thrasher Flame LG Sticker
One of the first shops I've came across that lets you choose the sticker color way you want and just doesn't send you a random color. Awesome Tactics, thank you!
3 people have found this review helpful
Asked by Blake Vogel on 12/27/2016
exactly how large is it?
Answered by Danny M (Tactics Employee) on 12/28/2016
5.5 x 10.25 (in)
0 person has found this answer helpful