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Snot Booger Bar Deck Rails

1 Review
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Reviewed by 1 customers
Booger Slides?
by Aidan Edstrom in Bradenton, FL (Verified Buyer)
Posted on 10/25/2024
Snot Booger Bar Deck Rails
Can't booger slide? No need to anymore. These rails have a short height for better stability and are less noticeable under my board. So, if you don't often like rails, these won't crash your party.
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Asked by Dylon on 8/16/2024
How tall are these?
Answered by Clayton P (Tactics Employee) on 8/19/2024

Thanks for reaching out! These rails are at 3/8" tall!
0 person has found this answer helpful
Asked by Cjb on 4/5/2023
How long are they?
Answered by Kat M (Tactics Employee) on 4/6/2023

These rails measure 14 5/8" long.
1 person has found this answer helpful
Asked by Josh on 3/6/2023
Does hardware come with these rails or what do I need if not?
Answered by Clayton P (Tactics Employee) on 3/6/2023

These rails come with a set of standard wood screws so you should be all set!
1 person has found this answer helpful