My ultimate wheel.
by Johnny Countee
(Verified Buyer)
Posted on 1/23/2025
Orangatang Fat Free Freeride Longboard Wheels - purple (83a)
Orangatatang wheels are awesome! I rode these wheels years ago and never forgot how smooth they fill with a nice bouncy rebound and speed, slides are easy. Try them you won't be disappointed. Roll over everything no worries. I'm stoked on orangatangs formulas for wheel manufacturing. Those other popular wheels out there don't come close, I've tried them.
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Great wheels!
by Jack the shredda
in Anchorage ak
(Verified Buyer)
Posted on 7/7/2014
Orangatang Fat Free Freeride Longboard Wheels - orange (80a)
These kinda help u with sliding and are a great hybrid wheel
3 people have found this review helpful