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Nothing Special Robert Neal Pro Skateboard Bearings

3 Reviews
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Pro Model
  • Robert Neal
  • ABEC 9
  • Set of 8 Bearings



ABEC 9 - The ABEC scale is essentially a measurement of bearing tolerance for high precision bearings as dictated by the Annular Bearing Engineering Committee (ABEC). The scale runs from ABEC 1 through ABEC 9 using odd integers only. Essentially, the higher up on the scale a bearing is rated the tighter the tolerance is.

Tighter bearing tolerance means that the bearing moves with less resistance at high speeds, giving you a bit more roll for your push. In general most ABEC 3 or ABEC 5 bearings have steel races (shell of the bearing) with hardened steel ball bearings, and most ABEC 7 or ABEC 9 bearings feature steel races with super hard (much harder than steel) ceramic or titanium bearings.


Overall Rating
Reviewed by 3 customers
Smooth feel fast
by Furdayz
Posted on 8/22/2022
Nothing Special Robert Neal Pro Skateboard Bearings
Abec-9 you feel it youll keep speed when gapping over pyramid/kickers, or doing transfers in transition.

If you like fast smooth bearings get these. For 25$ only other option id recommend are red big balls.
Those are 6 balls but they are equally fast/smooth. IMO these nothing special bearings are faster on flat/kick than the big balls. But they are similar in transition/park.

My only worry is that abec-9 means youll have to clean these more often and keep them greased to maintain the similar out of box performance. After some time they feel like they are breaking or that the spacers are too big to fit my wheels. Satori 101a 56mm they are kind of putting pressure on the races. For that 4/5 bc im not sure how long they will last. My bones swiss got crusty and i got too lazy to clean them so i swapped up my quiver. So now these are temporarily on my go to setup. They were on my pool/shaped deck setup before for that abec-9/smoothness. and BC i usually keep that board clean/park/pools only.

Id recommend these if youre building a quiver and want solid bearings ideally for park/bowl skating and how that ties into keeping them clean....and are not a fan of bones big balls or 6 ball bearings.
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Seem good
by Daniele Dal Molin in Lexington, KY (Verified Buyer)
Posted on 7/1/2022
Nothing Special Robert Neal Pro Skateboard Bearings - blue
Skating right now, seem good. Will see if they last
0 person has found this review helpful
Pretty Good Bearings they've lasted me 1 Year.
by Dee Snuts
Posted on 2/17/2022
Nothing Special Robert Neal Pro Skateboard Bearings
1 person has found this review helpful
Asked by MJenkins89 on 7/14/2021
Do these come with spacers?
Answered by Alistair G (Tactics Employee) on 7/15/2021
Yes, these bearings come with spacers.
1 person has found this answer helpful