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Staff Infection

Creativity is contagious, and the humans of Tactics are sick with it.

We opened a laboratory to study this phenomenon - taking artwork specimens from the furthest reaches of the Tactosphere™. Our hypothesis was correct: We found everything was infected by our staff. The creativity was beyond containment. The result is what we call, “Staff Infection”. 

Each project features original artwork from a Tactics coworker. We want to highlight the diverse and brilliant humans that work here. Staff Infection boards will be printed in limited numbers, so get them while they’re hot. Who will be featured next? No department is safe. Stay tuned as the infectious creativity spreads.

Grant Stein | Faith Doudna | Cameron Harper | Jordan Demoss | Cole Cano | Aidan Murphy | Noah Denker

Grant Stein

Faith Doudna

Cameron Harper

Jordan Demoss


Cole Cano


Aidan Murphy

  Dookie Staff Infection   TacticsDookieShop

Noah Denker

TacticsTrillium 8.25Shop

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