Didn't use this specific pair but indie bushings are the best.
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I’m heavy
by J
in Medford, NJ(Verified Buyer)
Posted on 1/19/2023
Independent Genuine Standard Cylinder Cushions (2 Truck Set) - black (hard)
I weigh 230 (but I’m on a diet) and these in 94a just work for me. I put them in my Ventures…three different pairs of them. They don’t let me down and behave just fine in our 35-45 degree winter days.
2people have found this review helpful
Great product
by Conan Camacho
in Tamuning, GU(Verified Buyer)
Posted on 11/12/2022
Independent Genuine Standard Cylinder Cushions (2 Truck Set) - black (hard)
Definitely better for heavier people. Way better then stock for heavier people
1person has found this review helpful
Asked by G#1RememberThat on 10/25/2017
Do the medium hards get cut by the top washer like stock tops do on Indy's?
by Graig A
(Tactics Employee)
on 10/26/2017
This depends on how you ride your trucks. If your trucks are tight it may dig into any bushing you put in from forcing turns with the kingpin nut tightened down.